
In the realm of commerce, the concept of professionally educated Manager was once an alien notion. Business corporations that used to prefer hiring school leavers and training them in-house to be managers. Most managers of that era joined their employer as eager school leavers and learned the art of management by understudying their superiors. Those who were lucky to have talented managers as their mentors prospered and went on to become excellent managers and corporate leaders themselves. However, many such apprentices failed to gain the skills necessary to succeed, and were unable to cope with the relentless competition their firms had to endure.

With these developments, corporations had to rethink their talent acquisition strategy due to intensifying competition. They found that they do not have years to train young school leavers into competent managers.Thus created a need for professionally trained business managers and the concept of the Management Undergraduate Degrees was born.

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Top Degree Programs.

Horizon campus offers BSc in Business Management (Human Resource Management), Bachelor of Management Honours in Marketing, and Bachelor of Management Honours in Accounting & Finance under the faculty of Management. The degree programs are handled by highly qualified lecturers, who are specialised in the relevant disciplines. The curriculum is well formulated to ensure the higher standards of academics. With thorough advancement of the knowledge and skill sets, we aim to produce visionary business leaders, and managers for the world tomorrow.

Showing 1 - 04 of 36 results

Message From The Dean

I am delighted to welcome you to the Faculty of Management of Horizon Campus. As a dedicated seat of management learning, we are proud of our achievements and continue to strive for academic excellence by nurturing highly employable graduates. Endowed with a diverse student community and a team of young and highly dedicated academic and non-academic staff, the Faculty of Management is poised to grow from strength to strength. Our programmes in Marketing and Human Resources Management as well as our Master of Business Administration programme aim to develop the next generation of business executives and entrepreneurs. We have created in our faculty an environment, where learners can engage in critical analysis, constructive discussions and visualization of solutions for a complex, and rapidly changing world. We want to instill inquisitiveness in our students and guide them to discover how they can help to make a real difference in organizations that they will eventually build their careers.

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PGDip. (Marketing) CIM, UK, MBA (Leicester), MCIM

Panel of Lecturers.

The Faculty of Management is staffed with a wealth of experienced and resourceful dean, senior lecturers, assistant lecturers and academic coordinators. The lecturers incorporate a holistic approach in the teaching process to inculcate the right skills, values and industry practices. Through the combination of the fully structured curriculum and industry training, they ensure that the students are fully prepared to overcome the challenges of the workplace and contribute to the national and global economy as productive citizens.

Mr.Terance Kahapola Arachchi

Dean – Faculty of Management Chartered Marketer Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, CIM UK Master of Business Administration, University of Leicester, UK

Mr.Priyanka Darshana

Senior Lecturer B.B Management (Marketing) special, University of Kelaniya Master of Business Administration (Strategy), University of Ballarat, Australia Associate Member of Chartered Management Accountant, UK Chartered Global Management Accountant CPA USA and CIMA UK

Mr. Chrishankar Janathanan

Senior Lecturer MBA Entrepreneurship (UOM) Masters Strategic Marketing (AeU) BBA (Staffordshire)

Ms.Sonduru Dinethri

Lecturer B.B Management (HRM) special, University of Kelaniya, MBA (PIM-USJ) Affiliate member, The Association of Human Resource Professionals AAT (Passed Finalist)

Ms. Roshika Munasinghe

Academic Coordinator BSc (special) Business Management, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, CEMBA – OUSL (Reading)


Research is a compulsory module for every academic program of the Horizon Campus. As we are well aware of the importance of carrying out researches, we have created a learning culture that promotes researches within various disciplines. Every student..

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The alumni association is the main body of the passed-out graduates of Horizon Campus. Being a member of the alumni association brings you many benefits. It enables you to stay connected with fellow graduates and lecturers and obtain new career oppor..

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