

The research understands the Higher education Institutions and the masculine, feminine brand personality. Different brand perspectives for the Facebook advertisement and development has been set out with unique aspects of creating different advantages. Key issue in this research is the lack of brand personality based studies in higher education in Sri Lanka. The research methodology does provide with desk research with a case study of Facebook ad library-based content publishing by HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) Aaker’s model on brand personality traits are applied: (1) Sincerity (2) Excitement (3) Competences (4) Sophistication (5) Ruggedness. In this research the role of The results gathered do provide insights that are enabled with unique findings. With the qualitative research carried out it was clear that the Non-State HEIs are promoting a “feminine brand image”. Excitement was a key factor that has not been utilized by then on state HEIs. Keywords: Brand personality, Higher education, Facebook advertising, Feminine brand personality, Marketing, Values

University of Moratuwa

By - Chrishankar Janathanan

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Factors Leading to Student Dissatisfaction in The Education Sector; A Study of Google Reviews from The Higher Education Industry in Sri Lanka, April 11, 2024

Purpose: The research is focused on the higher education institutes, and non-state sector in Sri Lanka. The study aims to understand perspectives presented by the positive and negative reviews on sixty-four (64) higher education institutions. Design/methodology/approach: A total of Two Thousand Five Hundred (2500) reviews have been studied. The research study aims to recognize, define, and determine the factors in the non-state higher education institution space leading to student dissatisfaction. Findings: The literature review covers (1) Word of Mouth (WOM) & Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) (2) Digital media marketing (3) Review sites (4) the Sri Lankan higher education system and players (5) Student Dissatisfaction and its determinants. The methodology will involve a positivist research philosophy, the deductive approach, and the survey-based research study that is focused upon with cross cross-sectional timeline. From the results, it is identifiable that only 29.6% of the teams had a responsive Google Business page. These are institutions that respond to reviews. The top concerns noted by the students/public were (1) Lack of student support (2) Delay in certificates (3) Poor management practices (4) Lack of academic quality. Originality: This research outlines the perspectives from Sri Lankan, non-state Higher Education Institutions (HEI). A newer area of research and perspective in digital media. Implications: This research adds to the existing literature and specifically focuses on aspects of Google Reviews. Google reviews are relatively new to Sri Lanka, where the masses may rely on word of mouth. Managing the reviews allows for HEIs to show confidence and capability in handling media.

Asian Journal of Marketing Management (AJMM) 2024, Vol (I1I), Issue (1), 135-151

By - Chrishankar Janathanan

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Determinants of Successful Coworking Spaces by a Study of Google Reviews; A Case Study of Sri Lankan Coworking Spaces, February 15, 2024

The study identifies the determinants of successful coworking spaces by examining Google reviews. The analysis aims to understand the successful criteria which are set out. There are over forty-five (45) coworking spaces with varying scale, with different value propositions. The purpose of the research will be to pinpoint the key value propositions that are expected by the clientele. Sri Lanka is able to attract digital nomads and foreigners. It becomes a priority to drive results for coworking spaces and facilitate the choice. The research method adopted will be a desk research study. The research will be able to pinpoint key determinants by using a deductive approach. A thematic study is undertaken on the concepts and themes that are repeating. A total of 45 coworking spaces of the Sri Lanka's listed coworking spaces and the total count of 5,435 reviews presented on Google reviews have been coded, analysed, and findings generated. As the key findings study has explored that, Coworking spaces are centred in Colombo, the commercial capital of the country; and in beaches-which attract the digital nomad (tourists). It was identifiable that Colombo lacked a catalogue of coworking spaces to enable such digital nomads. Listing sites of this nature often intended to revenue share with the coworking spaces. Nevertheless, a digital nomad will find this a challenge, which was identifiable in this research. The KANO model was applied. In this research the framework of Weji-Perree et al (2019) model on coworking space satisfiers was proven. Further, variables adoptable to Sri Lanka were also identified-Price sensitivity, availability of parking space, differential pricing to tourists, value for money orientation. Further research avenues relevant to this topic could be to understand the gap in coworking digital marketing initiatives, lack of design thinking in the coworking space, similarly the architectural angle in the coworking space. Further, research efforts may also be considered in aspects of International Journal of Contemporary Business Research Volume 2, Issue 2_2023 215 coworking profitability, coworking user intentions and their match to coworking spaces, owner operated versus corporate structure suitability to coworking spaces.

International Journal of Contemporary Business Research

By - Chrishankar Janathanan

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Key Determinants of a Successful Hybrid Work Model: An Experiment on AIB e-learning HEI in Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 16, 2023

The purpose of the study was to understand the right ingredients of a successful hybrid working model. The management of AIB ( were tasked with setting up a suitable system of hybrid working models that could keep the motivation levels, engagement, and results for the organization. Post-Covid19, post fuel crisis economy in Sri Lanka, required further hands-on participation by the board. Existing, available literature has highlighted the importance of remote working, results, better work-life balance, but has failed to identify the correct equation of determinants for successful Hybrid work model. Research methodology involves the adaptation of experimentoriented research methods. Observation and measurement of results around one organization. The total headcount in the organization in July 2023 is at 18. A positive research philosophy is adopted. An analysis of existing theories was carried out, and the results highlighted key learnings. The experiment was carried out over 30 days in July. It was identifiable (1) Hawthorne effect was valid, when a CCTV camera was placed productivity was higher (2) Three [3] day work weeks were more productive than five days of work (3) Attendance management systems instill punctuality (4) However, things to do and KPI oriented performance management is much more favorable than a 9-5 orientation. (5) Organizational politics is reduced and mitigated. The implications of these findings are the ability to provide new literature that can pinpoint the value of hybrid working with empirical evidence. Experiment validated information that is practically applied by the management. Management best practices could be further developed with larger sample sizes. Further, the role of leaders involved, organizational culture suitable for hybrid workplaces could be set out. Keywords: E-learning, Hybrid Work, Organizational Culture, Organizational HRM Practices

ICBI 2023

By - Chrishankar Janathanan

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Knowledge of the English language has been a primary challenge in the Sri Lankan context. This is due to the existence of Sri Lanka’s native language-based teaching (L1) strategy during primary and secondary school education. School education is largely based on mother tongue (L1) for the vast majority. English language was introduced to learners as a link language in Grade 5 with the 1997 Educational reforms. This presents a greater challenge to learners who have come from the context of schools that do not have access to proficient teachers, systems that encourage English language teaching, a societal background that could promote and implement English language-based education. Activity based learning has been widely discussed in the field of educational learning. The application of Activity based learning has been focused on the aspect of technology adoption (mLearning), problem-based learning, collaborative learning, communicative approach, use of podcasts, project-based learning methods, online vocabulary tools and games. However, in all of this coverage, though activity-based learning is appreciated, there is no set template or model for an educator to follow. While each teaching practitioner is required to understand the classroom, it is quite important for the teaching pedagogy to improve. The research aims to understand an effective model for building the capability of learners and to create a theoretical model for teaching English to learners from native L1 socio-economic backgrounds. The primary research objectives are to understand the effectiveness of the activitybased learning model on the student’s English Language proficiency, determine how activity-based learning can promote the student’s motivation to learn English, gauge the efficacy of activity-based learning in imparting knowledge, skills to the learners and recognise challenges and limitations. The research involved an action research study. Observations are recorded by the research author. The skill building capability is accessed by the submission of logbooks. Learner’s capability adaptation was evaluated with a series of activities conducted via in-class speech presentation and logbook which records a series of activities. On findings, the research uncovered that a weekly submission of work will improve the student’s engagement with the learning activity. Weekly submissions and in-class activities when promoted with positive encouragement will lead to a positive outcome. Stage fright, fear of making mistakes, peer pressure are all considerable challenges that are to be considered by a future trainer. The logbook which records the weekly progress of students was an immensely positive tool. Peer pressure worked positively as the learners who did not submit felt left out. Therefore, it increased the rates of submission. Further, pinning the assessments to internal grades further disarmed the peer pressure experienced by learners as all learners understood that grades were the outcome of their academic practice. Keywords: Activity-based Learning, English Language teaching (L2), Teaching English for Foreign learners

OURS 2023

By - Chrishankar Janathanan

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The impact of service quality related to e-commerce on customer satisfaction at Retail Genius (Pvt) Ltd, October 16, 2018

Purpose-The purpose of this research is to identify how the service quality of e-commerce industries cause an impact on customer satisfaction and to identify the necessity of service quality in an e-commerce industry. Design/methodology/approach-This research examines the impact of service quality of the e-commerce on customer satisfaction with specific reference to Retail Genius. Furthermore, qualitative analysis through questionnaire while three interviews for qualitative analysis were conducted as the data collection tools for this research. In addition, the sampling method that was used is convenience sampling as everyone was a potential customer. The sample size was limited to 217 respondents. Furthermore, data that were gathered from the data collection were analysed through using SPSS software. Findings-Furthermore, all four hypotheses in the research were accepted for the relationships between customer satisfaction and the independent variables such as ease of use, trust, website design and information quality. Furthermore, the correlation values between customer satisfaction and ease of use was 0.712, while the relationship between customer satisfaction and website design is 0.770 and relationship between customer satisfaction and trust is 0.811. And the relationship between customer satisfaction and information quality is 0.821. Therefore, the findings show that there are positive correlations between the dependent and independent variables. Originality/value-This research helps to overcome the problems which are faced in the based articles. Furthermore, the research creates a functional and less complex process in order to create service quality to forecast the customer satisfaction.

APIIT Business, Law & Technology Conference, 2018

By - Vigneswaran Vipushan, Chrishankar Janathanan

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Impact of social media advertising on customer engagement A case study on ‘The Body Shop’., July 25, 2018

The aim of this research is to identify the impact of social media advertising on consumer engagement. The objectives of the research are to define social media and explain how it developed over the years along with the definition of customer engagement, to analyse a literature review on social media and its impact on consumer engagement, with the use of primary research tools such as questionnaires and interviews, analyse the impact of social media advertising on The Body Shop and to review the findings gathered and make recommendations for the management of The Body Shop. Methodology – As means of this research, the impact of social media advertising on customer engagement with relevance to The Body Shop. Furthermore, for the purpose of qualitative and quantitative analysis of data collection tools, questionnaires and three structured interviews were accomplished. Subsequently, convenience sampling was used with a sample size of 165 respondents within the Colombo district. Findings – The four hypothesis for the relationship between consumer engagement and the independent variables of social media were accepted. Additionally, with the aid of the SPSS software, regression values of independent variables and Cronbach alpha value-0.964, the correlation values (trust in information-0.808, interaction-0.758, electronic word of mouth-0.746 and customer satisfaction-0.824) for both independent and dependent variables along with descriptive statistics were found. Moreover, from these findings a positive correlation between the dependent and independent variables was revealed. Value - This research assists in overcoming the issues that were encountered in previously existing articles. Additionally, it develops a more functional and less complex method in which social media advertising could be used to improve customer engagement. Key words: Social media, Social media advertising, Customer engagement, The Body Shop

APIIT Business, Law & Technology Conference, 2018

By - Chrishankar Janathanan, Thasneem Khan

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Impact of digital marketing on consumer purchase behaviour; A case study on Dialog Axiata with specific reference to social media marketing, February 6, 2025

Title: Impact of digital marketing on consumer purchase behaviour: A case study on Dialog Axiata with specific reference to social media marketing. Purpose – The purpose of this research is to identify how the social media marketing impact on the consumer purchase decision. The objective of this research is that to define the term social media marketing and consumer purchase behaviour, to carry out a literature review on the subject of consumer purchase behaviour and impact of social media, to conduct a primary research with the help of questionnaires and interviews on the impact of social media advertising and consumer purchase behaviour, and to review the findings and to make recommendations to management of Dialog Axiata. Methodology – This research is based on survey method, as the questionnaire was distributed to gather data from the public for the research about the impact of social media marketing on consumer purchase behaviour. 184 responses were gathered from the distribution of the google forms survey. Likewise, the interview was conducted for further finding to be evaluated. Interview was conducted among three interviewees in Dialog Axiata. Further, primary research also was conducted utilisation of the journal articles from the previous researchers. Moreover, the data for this research was analysed through IBM SPSS statistics software. Findings – In this research Cronbach Alpha, Regression for the independents variables, Correlation for both dependent and independent and descriptive statistics was found by using the SPSS software for this research. The hypothesis that was identified for this research were accepted. Likewise, there was a significant positive correlation identified in this research which help the study to prove its overall value. Value - This research helps to overcome the issues encounter in the based articles. Also, this research develops a much functional and less complexed process to develop social media marketing in order to predict the consumer purchase behaviour. Keywords: digital marketing, consumer purchase behaviour, Social media marketing

By - Chrishankar Janathanan, Naseeth Nizar

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The main objective of conducting this research is to analyse the impact of information technology on the consumer buying behaviour. In addition, this helps in answering the research questions such as; what is known as consumer buying behaviour?, how does information technology influence the decision to buying a product?, what are the factors that influence the buying behaviour of customers that purchase using the internet?, what role does demographics play in buying behaviours?, how does the internet help in understanding consumer buying behaviour?. Subsequently, by means of the conceptual framework the independent (Social network awareness, price, information search, consumer trust and online shopping experience) and the dependent variable (Consumer buying behaviour) were identified. The author has used 125 questionnaires that has been distributed in the western province to obtain the quantitative data needed to conduct the research. Furthermore, snowballing technique under the non-probability sampling was used. This research conducted to carrying out to the leading online service provider “” and in terms of qualitative research, the author conducted interviews on 3 consumers. Furthermore, the author has used the IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Using the SPSS Software an analysis of the sample profile, validity, reliability analysis using Cronbach alpha, test for normality, linearity, correlation and regression were developed. Moreover, the Cronbach’s alpha test resulted in a value of 0.903 and as a reliability analysis conducted for the 125 respondents. Consequently, the correlation values between the independent and dependent variables were analysed resulting in 0.622 for social network awareness, 0.611 for price, 0.476 for information search, 0.611 for consumer trust, 0.518 for online shopping experience. Therefore, all the hypothesis has been analysed and has been accepted. Keywords: Information Technology, Consumer buying behaviour,, Independent variable, dependent variable

5 th International Conference of Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA), 2018 Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura,

By - Nawfer N.Z, Chrishankar Janathanan

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Impact of Electronic Banking on Customer satisfaction A case study on Hatton National Bank PLC, Colombo district, Sri Lanka, July 19, 2019

— Purpose: Nowadays, the banks are mainly focusing on promoting the concept of e-banking among their customers since it can provide speedier, faster and reliable services to the customers better than traditional banking. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore the impact of e-banking on the customer satisfaction within the HNB PLC, Colombo district in Sri Lanka. Methodology: The researcher used primary as well as the secondary source of data where the required primary data was collected through questionnaires and interviews. The random sampling technique was used to recruit 210 customers representing the desired range of demographic variables (educational level, occupation, gender and age). Three interviews were conducted with two customers and an employee of HNB PLC in depth to achieve the research objectives. An analysis of data was done by the use of SPSS version of 21. Findings: The results showed that impact of e-banking had a positive effect on Hatton National Bank PLC's customers. It is because, all variables namely convenience, reliability, responsiveness, security and costs correlated with a strong positive relationship, and their significance level is below 0.05. The study also indicates that convenience, security and costs (fees and charges) are the main factors contributing to satisfy the customers of e-banking in HNB PLC. Originality/value: The research was developed based on the existing knowledge from previous researchers regarding what constitutes e-banking service. The study offering key recommendations towards HNB PLC's decision making to further enhance the level customer satisfaction in e-banking.

APIIT Business, Law & Technology Conference, 2018

By - Bakeerathy Mohalingam, Chrishankar Janathanan

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The Determinants of Internet Voluntary Disclosure (IVD) A Case Study of Listed Banking and Finance Sector in Colombo Stock Exchange Sri Lanka., June 1, 2018

This research aim is to develop the Internet Voluntary Disclosure (IVD) in the banking and finance sector which will help for the top board managers, the stock owners and the potential investors to identify the determinants

APIIT Business, Law & Technology Conference, 2018

By - Chrishankar Janathanan. Lakshani Madushika Wijesinghe

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A Critical Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Turnover in the BPO Industry, February 6, 2025

APIIT Business, Law & Technology Conference, APIIT, pp 22-28

By - Chrishankar Janathanan

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The role of Sensory Branding on Customer Loyalty; A case study of Coca-Cola., February 6, 2025

APIIT Business, Law & Technology Conference, APIIT, pp 39-46

By - Chrishankar Janathanan

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Assessing the type of market structure that exists in the Sri Lankan FMCG sector an investigation of the factors influencing readability and effectiveness of annual reports produced by Sri Lankan companies: Beverage, Food and Tobacco Industries, February 6, 2025

IRCHSS, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, pp 80-81

By - Chrishankar Janathanan, Nalir, N and Constantine, M

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An Investigation of the factors influencing readability and effectiveness of annual reports produced by Sri Lankan companies: beverage, food and tobacco industries, February 6, 2025

IRCHSS, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, pp 121-122

By - Thilakaratne, N, Chrishankar Janathanan

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The new age of education; Time to go digital, February 6, 2025

Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing, Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 58-60

By - Chrishankar Janathanan

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On-The-Job Training and Organizational Performance: A Study on Sri Lankan Banking Sector, February 6, 2025

Out of the many training methods used, on-the-job training has gained popularity as it has been used in the Sri Lankan banking sector quite excessively. The study examined the impact of the organization's onthe-job training program on organizational performance. Attributes of on-the-job training includes, personality of employees, attitude towards job performance, job performance and adherence to company policies were analyzed in this study. A quantitative methodology was used for the purpose of this study where it identified executive level employees in the banking sector in Sri Lanka as the target population. A structured questionnaire was designed, pre-tested, and used to collect data from a sample of 150 executive level employees. The findings revealed that there is a positive link between on-the-job training performances on organization performance. The study recommends practitioners to conduct a detailed personality assessment prior to on-the-job training allocation as personality, their attitude towards job performance, their adherence to company policies and their job performance has an impact on the final organizational performance.

International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

By - Thisuri Jayathilake

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Respectable Femininity and Career Progression: A Study on Women Holding Top Managerial Positions in the Sri Lankan Corporate Sector., November 23, 2021

PIM Annual Research Conference, Borella, Sri Lanka

By - Thisuri Jayathilake

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Impact of Family centered Life and Work-centered Life on Employee Performance with Special Reference to the Telecommunication Industry in Sri Lanka., November 25, 2022

International Conference on Business Innovation, NSBM Green University, Sri Lanka.

By - Vasantharooban, S., Thisuri Jayathilake

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Impact of Workplace Discrimination on Employee Performance: Special Reference to the Sri Lankan Apparel Industry., October 6, 2022

International Research Symposium on Management, Rajarata University, Sri Lanka

By - Jayawardana, D.M.N.S., Thisuri Jayathilake

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The Impact of Work-life Balance on Employee Performance in the Sri Lankan Banking Sector., October 6, 2022

International Research Symposium on Management, Rajarata University, Sri Lanka.

By - Thathsarani, A.D.D.N., Thisuri Jayathilake

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Impact of Talent Management Practices on Employee RetentionReference with Generation “Y”, February 6, 2025

In the current business world, keeping young and talented employees within anorganization became a huge challenge. Especially Generation Y employees are beingmore difficult to retain mainly because they have multiple career options. Thepurpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Talent Management (TM) practicessuch as mentoring, strategic leadership, social media, and knowledge sharing onthe intention to stay (IS) of generation Y employees. In order to fulfill the objective,the responses were collected through an internet survey via Google form to identifythe real impact of Talent management practices on employee retention in theGeneration Y context. The proposed Hypothesis were tested using the datacollected through the survey participated by the sample of 210 employees whobelongs to Generation Y representing all the working sectors. The collected datawas analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and Excel. Findings reveal that TM practices such asmentoring, strategic leadership, social media, and knowledge sharing have asignificant impact on the intention to stay of generation Y employees. In addition,this study recommends the organizations to align TM practices with businessstrategies to enhance organizational performance and motivate the individuals inorder to retain the employees for a long period within the organization.Keywords: Employee retention, Generation Y, Intention to stay (IS), Talent Management(TM)

Horizon Campus Research Symposium

By - N.Srilakshan1, Weerawardane S.D. 1* and Maheshika W.E.P.I

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Organizational culture defines the way employees complete tasks and interact witheach other in an organization. The cultural paradigm comprises various beliefs,values, rituals and symbols that govern the operating style of the people within acompany. Organizational culture binds the workforce together and provides adirection for the company. In times of change, the biggest challenge for anyorganization may be to change its culture, as the employees are already accustomedto a certain way of doing things. The study was conducted to identify the impact oforganizational culture on employee performance. Objectives of this study are todetermine the impact of organizational culture on employee performance and toidentify relationships between organizational culture and employee performance.The study commences with an overview to the subject of focus followed by anextensive Literature Review on the relevant definitions, models, and relevanttheoretical underpinnings. The Conceptual Framework was developed with theindependent variable being Organizational Culture and the dependent variablebeing employee performance. The methodology followed a deductive reasoningmethod and accordingly one hypothesis was formulated and the researchquestionnaire was developed based on the hypothesis and relevant indicators. Thisresearch area uses the survey research strategy. Based on the time period, researchdesigns could be categorized as longitudinal and cross-sectional studies. So whenwe move on to this research, data are gathered from the sample at one point of time.So this study regards to cross-sectional studies. The researcher gathered data fromeach individual, treating each employee’s response as an individual data source.Therefore, the unit of analysis will be individual level. The approximate sample sizewould be 165 employees who are studying and working in the private sector in theMatara area. The primary source of information used in this study is primary data.The reliability of the main study was tested using Cronbach‘s Alpha analysis.Moreover, the gathered data was analyzed comprehensively using both graphicaland statistical methods such as Descriptive Statistics, Pearson‘s Correlation, andLinear Regression Analysis. These tools were also used towards testing theformulated hypothesis. Finally, the findings on the received data were discussedafter which recommendations were provided. The findings from the studysupported as well as contradicted with previous research. In addition, thelimitations encountered by the researcher were mentioned along with thecontribution this study would have on academia and the scope for areas on futureresearch.Keywords: Employee performance, Impact, Organizational culture, Private sector .

Horizon Campus Research Symposium

By - Prabodhani K.A.S, W.E.P.I. Maheshika and Weerawardene S.D.

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The impact of educational technology on student engagementwith online learning in Higher Education during Covid 19pandemic., February 6, 2025

Being well-educated has become increasingly common and attractive among the younger generation. However, suddenly COVID-19 took place and had a big impact on students' learning possibilities and experiences by causing an overnight shift of education to online platforms which made a remarkable transition in the Sri Lankan tertiary education system as well after closing its higher education institution response to the situation and imposed regulation by the government. Then all institutions were closed and moved to the online education system to stop spreading the virus. This sudden change occurred in that sector for the first time in Sri Lanka. Hence this study wants to look at how well students have been engaged with the online learning system in Sri Lanka while Sri Lanka reported a national average of 32.3 percent computer literacy and a household's percentage of desktop or laptop availability ranges from 22% to 23% in 2020 where it indicated less knowledge and low infrastructure availability, as well as only 35%, had access to the internet. Since the effectiveness of emergency online learning has been greatly influenced by students' access to technology. As a result, this study aimed to investigate how educational technology impacts student engagement with online learning systems during Covid 19 pandemic. The study was carried out as a questionnaire-based quantitative research method. The unit of analysis is the individual and 200 university undergraduates were chosen from the population. A convenient sample technique has been used to determine the sample size. Student engagement is the dependent variable while educational technology is the independent variable. Three dimensions come under dependent variables namely, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional. The gathered data were analyzed through SPSS 25. The empirical results revealed that there is an impact of educational technology on student engagement.

Horizon Campus Research Symposium

By - Vidanage H.G.1, Weerawardane S. D2 and Maheshika W.E.P.I

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Over the time, the lifestyles and the activities of the individuals have changed drastically with the advancement of the technology. However, the corruption index has downgraded further with these changes questioning the ethicality of the behavior amongst the individuals. Thus, it creates a requirement of identifying the factors which could affect the ethical behavior of the individuals. In response, to contribute within the organizational context, the current study attempts to examine the impact of ethical orientation of human resource management (EOHRM) on employee ethical behavior (EEB). A cross-sectional survey was conducted covering a sample of 200 senior and middle level managers in banking industry. A self-administered pretested questionnaire was used and SPSS 21.0 was used for the data analysis. The empirical data revealed that EOHRM has a significant impact on EEB. Consequently, the paper recommends that when the EOHRM is being implemented within the organization the EEB can be enhanced.

Horizon Campus Research Symposium

By - Jayarathna K.A.T.P , Weerewardene S.D* and Maheshika W.E.P.I

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The Impact of Employee Voice on Employee Engagement inPrivate Organizations, February 6, 2025

The employees share their opinions with their employer and exert influence over decisions that have an impact on their employment. It is called an employee voice. The extent to which individuals devote their mental, emotional, and behavioral resources to achieving successful organizational results, it means employee engagement. As an employee voice was a most important and concerned factor in an organization to improve the employee engagement. Previous studies have claimed that the employee voice assists employee engagement in an organization. However, there is an ambiguity regarding the factors which will enhance the effectiveness of employee engagement. In response, to social exchange theory and folk theory, this paper examines the relationship between employee voice and employee engagement. In this research, employee voice acts as an independent variable, and employee engagement acts as a dependent variable. A cross-sectional survey was adopted covering a sample of 202 employees in the private organizations of Sri Lanka. According to the variables the employee voice and employee engagement there are no dimensions and the variables were measured through a self-administered questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed through the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) 26 version. The empirical data revealed that the impact between employee voice and employee engagement is positive and significant. The current study highlights the impact between employee voice and employee engagement. Consequently, the current study recommends that the importance should be given to the development of employee voice to maintain employee engagement in the organization. The findings of this study can be used by organization managers to improve and to enhance the employee engagement in the private organizations.

Horizon Campus Research Symposium

By - Thilushan S.1, and Weearawardane. S. D. and Maheshika. W.E.P.I.

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The Impact of Motivational Incentives on EmployeePerformance: Evidence from Banking Sector in ColomboDistrict, February 6, 2025

The study was undertaken at the banking sectors in the Colombo district to examine the impact of motivational incentives on employee performance. This study has used a quantitative research approach. Responses were gathered via a Google form survey. A questionnaire is a collection of questions designed to assess the impact of motivational incentives on employee performance. The sample size for this study will be 210 personnel from the banking sector in the Colombo district. This sample will investigate the impact of motivational incentives on employee performance. The data collected from employees verified the proposed hypotheses and suggested that the underlying motivational incentives have a significant positive impact on employee performance. This study is important to provide relevant information and knowledge on motivational incentives on employee performance to human resources practitioners, managers, and consultants in the organization. It shall provide the necessary tools for modern human resource management required for motivational incentives.

Horizon Campus Research Symposium

By - Navajothy Suramya1, I. Maheshika1*, and S.D. Weerawardane2

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Team Dynamics and Virtual Team Performance: Special reference to Information Technology industry in Sri Lanka, February 6, 2025

1stInternational Research Symposium on Management 2022

By - S. D. Weerawardane1,*, H. H. Hettiaarachchi2, and W. E. P. I. Maheshika3

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Effect of Glass Ceiling on Womens' Career Development, February 6, 2025

1stInternational Research Symposium on Management 2022

By - S. D. Weerawardane1,*, H. Vidanage2 and W. E. P. I. Maheshika3

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Work Related Social Media and Innovative Work Behavior: Special reference to Generation Y Employees, February 6, 2025

1stInternational Research Symposium on Management 2022

By - S. D. Weerawardane1,*, T. S. Manamperi2 and W. E. P. I. Maheshika3

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Based on statistics, 90.4% of the female population is inefficient as they fail to balance housework with their work. Further, the survey reports that most females prefer flexible work arrangements. Though few studies have been conducted on this relationship, the existing literature demands to explore this further. Thus, in response, the current study examines the impact of flexible work arrangements on employees' work-life balance, specifically females in the Information & Communication Technology sector. This is a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 150 female employees working in the Information & Communication Technology sector in Sri Lanka. The simple random method was adopted in selecting the sample. The data was collected through a structured self-administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS 25. The empirical findings revealed a positive and significant impact of flexible work arrangements on the work-life balance of female employees in the Information & Communication Technology sector. Amongst these influences, the impact of operational flexibility is high. The present research identifies work flexibility as a factor that will enhance female employment within the country. Further, it confirms that the organisation's management should pay high attention to maintaining a family-friendly culture to enhance female labour participation within the companies.

MURS 2021At: University of Sabaragamuwa

By - Hansani T.H.a, Weerawardane S.D.b* and Maheshika I.c

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Impact of Mindfulness on Technostress, February 6, 2025

CIPM International Research SymposiumAt: Colombo

By - M. Rushalini, Weerawardane S.D

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Factors affecting Virtual Team Performance: A Theoretical Integration, February 6, 2025

Organizations require E-leadership and virtual team performance to face the challenges within the dynamic environment. Though E-leadership is a concept that has previously been discussed, academic literature on this concept is scarce. The authors drew on the leader-member exchange theory and social cognitive theory to address these problems by proposing the mediation effect of technology self-efficacy and moderating effect of corporate culture on the relationship between E-leadership and virtual team performance. This conceptualization contributes to the expansion of understanding on virtual team performance through E-leadership. It provides practitioners and managers with insights into strategies they can utilize to enhance the virtual team performance of the organizations.

ournal of Management and Research (JMR)Volume 9 Issue 1, June 2022

By - S. D. Weerawardane1, A. K. L. Jayawardana

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The inadequate use of social capital to improve exploratory innovation activities is a phenomenon observed amongst countries within the world. The previous literature states that social capital enhances the exploratory innovation activities. However, identification of the factors which enhance the effectiveness of the relationship at the individual level is limited. Hence, in response to the social capital theory and social network theory, this paper attempts to examine the effect of social capital and exploratory innovation activities by explaining network perspectives of social capital. The cross-sectional survey was conducted covering 250 managerial level employees employed within the IT sector. The network perspectives of social capital: Bonding, Bridging and Linking social capital was measured through structured self-administered questionnaire and was analyzed using Structured Equation Modelling through AMOS 21. The empirical data identified that the influence of network perspective social capital on exploratory innovation activities is positive and significant. Thus, the current study recommends in order to take the maximum advantage of the available social capital, the Managers must pay attention to the nature and strength of the networks.

International Conference on Business ResearchAt: University of Moratuwa

By - Sonduru Weerawardane

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Social Capital and Exploratory Innovation Activities: Effect of Personal Values, February 6, 2025

Purpose: Previous studies have argued that there is a relationship between social capital andexploratory innovation. However, there is ambiguity in identifying the factors which will enhancethe effectiveness of the relationship at the individual level. In response the study attempts toexamine the effect of social capital on exploratory innovation activities by explaining themoderating impact of personal values of the individuals.Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is a cross sectional survey, with a sample of 360managerial level employees working in the IT industry of Sri Lanka. The judgmental samplingmethod was adopted to select the sample. The data were collected through a structured self-administered questionnaire, and then analysed adopting Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)using AMOS 21.Findings: The empirical data revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship among the social capital and exploratory innovation activities. Among the significant relationships of network perspectives of social capital, the influence of bridging social capital is high. The interaction of the network perspective of social capital with personal values (openness to change, conservationand self enhancement values) were positive, and significant on exploratory innovation activities. The openness to change and self enhancement values were found to be having a direct positivesignificant effect over exploratory innovation activities while the conservation value effect is found to be insignificant.Theoretical Implications: The main theoretical contribution made by the current study isthe extension of Social Capital Theory through the Social Network Theory and the Theory ofBasic Human Values by providing theoretical explanation on the individual level factors, whichwill influence the relationship between social capital and exploratory innovation activities. Along with the theorisation on how network perspective dimensions of social capital (bonding,bridging and linking social capital) will affect exploratory innovation activities, the examinationof the moderating effect of personal values on the relationship will be an original theoreticalcontribution of the study.

Postgraduate Institute of Management Annual Research Conference – 2021

By - Sonduru Weerawardane

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The transformation of the education system from physical to online learning platform is a phenomenon that is experienced within the world. Therefore, the current study attempts to examine the impact of emotional intelligence of lecturers on student engagement through an online learning platform in higher education sector. The unit of analysis is the individual and 200 university undergraduates were drawn from the population conveniently. The data was analyzed through SPSS 21.0. The empirical results revealed that emotional intelligence of the lecturers influence positively and significantly for the student engagement and amongst the dimensions social awareness has the highest influence. Consequently, the current paper recommends that the importance should be given for the development of emotional intelligence of the lecturers in order to maintain student engagement within the online learning platform.

Vavuniya University International Research Symposium (VUIRS)-2021

By - Hewa Gamage Donna Sonali, Sonduru Weerawardane

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Managing Thyself to be a Productive Manager: Insights from Bhagavad Gita, February 6, 2025

Bhagavad Gita; the divine song of God, is not only a spiritual text but also a guidebook to develop productive managers and people at work in the modern dynamic environment. To be a productive manager one should manage thyself first, which is considered the foundation stone of any people management practice. It is observed that the practitioners are fed-up with the western views and practices discussed in the extant literature. On the other hand, the eastern philosophy of managing thyself is little focused in western literature, but gaining an increasing attention today. Hence, bridging the lacuna in the domain, the current study attempts to review and report the insights manifested among the teachings of God Krishna, in Bhagavad Gita, to be applied in managing thyself to be a productive manager. A narrative literature review of Bhagavad Gita and key research articles on the same known to the authors was conducted. It is found in Bhagavad Gita that, managing thyself starts from mental peace and internal consistency. For that, one should free from the feelings of greed, envy, egotism, suspicion and anguish. Moreover, the ability to create and follow a realistic vision for the life, and perceive the holistic view of the things better manage thyself with the proper understanding of the causes and consequences of the practices in management ultimately. In view of the above, this article recommends practicing managers to incorporate the insights revealed in Bhagavad Gita in designing and delivering employee training & development programs, mentoring programs, performance coaching, employee counseling, and grievance handling.

University of Kelaniya

By - Tharindu Dananjaya Weerasinghe, Sonduru Weerawardane, K P M Priyasad,

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Social Capital: Power of Connectedness, February 6, 2025

Contemporary Developments in Human Resource ManagementChapter: Chapter TwoPublisher: Department of Human Resource Management, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

By - Tharindu Dananjaya Weerasinghe, Prasadini Gamage, Sonduru Weerawardane

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Managing lives at work: Lessons from Bhagavad Gita, February 6, 2025

This review of literature critiques the insights manifested in Bhagavad Gita to be applied in modern organizations to effectively manage people at work. A narrative review of relevant articles known to the authors on Bhagavad Gita was conducted. Among the lessons of the Bhagavad Gita, it is found that empowering employees through 'Bakthi', 'Yukthi' and 'Mukthi' lays the foundation stone of effective Human Resource Management (HRM). Further, Bhagavad Gita supports the generally held belief of no one has the right to remain in society without performing any work. Moreover, to be beneficial for both individual employees and organizations, it is recommended in Gita to nurture a divine work culture (daivisampat) that involves fearlessness, self-control, tolerance of scarification, and assertiveness.

University of Kelaniya

By - K P M Priyasad, Tharindu Dananjaya Weerasinghe, Sonduru Weerawardane

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Effect of Employer Branding on Employee Recruitment: Evidence from Generation Y Undergraduates, February 6, 2025

The current study was initiated with the objective of assessing the impact of employer branding on employee recruitment with reference to generation Y. Currently, as the potentials from generation Y are entering the job market, how their sense of brand-conscious does influence the organizational context was assessed through this research. The current research was conducted as a cross-sectional quantitative field study among a sample of 2000 final year undergraduates randomly selected from six public universities in Sri Lanka. Primary data was collected from a standard questionnaire that has met the accepted level of validity and reliability. Descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation coefficient, and simple regression were used to analyze the data and arrive at conclusions. It is found that there is a significant-positive-moderate relationship (r=0.479), and the impact of employer branding on recruitment (r2S=58.5%) in the context of generation Y in Sri Lanka. Hence, it could be concluded that the recruiting efforts of an organization can be manipulated via employer branding in the context of generation Y undergraduates. So, it is recommended for Sri Lankan corporates to develop their own employer brand image which is sufficient to generate and retain the best and the competitive talent with the organization which in turn will generate sustainable competitive an advantage in the industry and the market.

University of Kelaniya

By - Sonduru Weerawardane, Tharindu Dananjaya Weerasinghe

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Managing thyself to be a Productive Manager: Insights from Bhagavad Gita, February 6, 2025

5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (ICMA-2018) held on 31st August to 02nd September 2018 at Tangerine Beach Hotel – Waskaduwa, Organized by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

By - Sonduru Weerawardane, Tharindu Dananjaya Weerasinghe, K. P. Malith Priyasad, C K Batagoda

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The Connection of Employer Branding to Recruitment: A Critique, February 6, 2025

The present paper reviews and summarizes the key findings of research onthe connection of employer branding to employee recruitment with the prime focus ofbridging the lacuna in extant literature, due to the inconsistency of aforesaid associationacross different contexts. Hence, building on social identity theory and job signalingtheory, a content analysis of relevant research articles up to date was conducted. It isfound that, more the organization/employer looks prestigious the more potentials willget attracted to the organization as being a member of it will improve the self-image too.Also found that, more the organizational attributes do match the personality /personalities of job seeks and communicate it properly, more the potentials will getattracted. The findings of the current review support the general notion that thecongruence between individual identity and organizational identity plays a critical rolein employer branding which in turn positive outcomes in the domain of recruitmentKeywords: Recruitment, Employer Brand, Employer Branding, Social Identity Theory,Person-Organization Fit

Kelaniya Journal of Human Resource Management 2018 | Volume 13 | Issue 01

By - onduru Weerawardane, Tharindu Dananjaya Weerasinghe

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Importance of studying the dominant’s perspective on women workers in male-dominated workplaces: Revisiting Kanter’s theory., December 31, 2022

It is apparent from several economic, social, and corporate indicators that more women will be needed in the workplace in the near future. Women, however, face several challenges, particularly when it comes to working in a culture dominated by men. According to Kanter's theory of tokenism, these challenges include performance pressures, boundary heightening, and role entrapment. Scholars have made considerable attempts to examine these challenges in different work settings and cultures. Most previous studies have focused on the token perspective. Very few look at the perceptions of male co-workers, supervisors, and subordinates who work with women. Thus, Kanter's observations have not been viewed from the dominant perspective. Hence, the objective of this article to make clear why it is essential to study the dominant perspective on women in order to contribute to this field's theoretical framework. Keywords: TokenismDominants' perspectiveChallengesGender inequalityWorkplace minority

University of Colombo Review

By - Lakmini Jayasekara

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Investigating the Moderating Impact of Financial Stress on the Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Well-being Among Millennials Working in the Financial Sectors of Colombo District, Sri Lanka., December 6, 2024

This study investigates the influence of financial stress between financial literacy and financial well-being among millennials employed in the financial industry within the Colombo district of Sri Lanka. The study used multi-dimensional constructs to operationalize the three variables, namely financial literacy, financial well-being, and financial stress. Prior research has demonstrated that financial knowledge and financial stress have a significant influence on one's financial well- being. However, there exists a certain degree of uncertainty when it comes to determining the moderating influence on an individual basis. This paper aims to evaluate the influence of financial stress on financial literacy and financial well-being among millennials. It is built upon the rational choice theory and the coping mechanisms theory to analyze this relationship. The study conducted a cross- sectional study which includes a sample of 360 individuals belonging to the millennials who are now employed in the financial sector. The study employed a self- administered questionnaire to assess the dimensions of financial well-being, which include preparedness for financial emergencies, current money management stress, and perceived financial security. Additionally, the study measured the dimensions of financial literacy, subjective financial literacy, opinion leadership, and objective financial literacy. Measures were also taken of the physiological reactions, relational/interpersonal conduct, and affective reactions related to financial stress. Structural Equation Modeling analysis was performed. Furthermore, it is stressed that the existence of financial stress dimensions affects how financial literacy aspects affect financial well-being dimensions. Consequently, by addressing the shortcomings in the application of coping mechanism theory and rational choice theory in examining the individual-level moderating effects of financial stress on financial literacy and financial well-being, this study significantly 5th CINEC International Research Symposium (CIRS -2024) adds to the existing literature. In order to improve the financial well-being of millennials, the study suggests establishing targeted financial literacy initiatives and adopting practical strategies to address individual financial stress levels among the millennials working in the financial sector within the Colombo district of Sri Lanka. Keywords: Financial Well-Being, Financial Literacy, Financial Stress, Financial Sector, Millennials

5th CINEC International Research Symposium (CIRS -2024)

By - Binguni Mabharana, Neelangie Nanayakkara

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